The Rarámuri (Tarahumara) women in northern Mexico continue to play a critical role and are finding creative ways to use their crafts to benefit their communities. Pinole Blue continue to partner with local community members in Guachochi to support female Rarámuri (Tarahumara) artisans in the region. We work directly at the local level to reflect the artisan women’s needs and ensure that their work is represented in a socio-culturally appropriate manner. Pinole Blue supported the work by providing the materials for Rarámuri female artisans to create their beautiful woven bracelets, which we then purchased directly from them to share their creations with our customers.

Basket with several blue handcrafted bracelets on it.

 Food Drive at at the Guachochi community center

As part of Pinole Blue’s mission to give back to the Tarahumara community, we participated in a local food drive. With the help of local community members, we were able to take donations to a remote area near Guachochi in Mexico’s canyon region. Some of the food staples brought to this community were locally sourced corn (maize) from local food growers and other locally identified food staples. Big shout out to Adilene Gonzalez for the collaboration on this locally driven project!

Como parte de la misión de Pinole Blue de retribuir a la comunidad Tarahumara, participamos en una campaña local de alimentos. Con la ayuda de miembros de la comunidad local, pudimos llevar donaciones a un área remota cerca de Guachochi en la región de las barrancas de México. Algunos de los alimentos traídos a esta comunidad fueron de productores locales y otros alimentos básicos identificados por la comunidad. ¡Un gran agradecimiento a Adilene González por la colaboración en este proyecto fortalecido localmente!

People from the Tarahumara Tribe lining up to pick up the food supplies from Pinole Blue

Tarahumara tribe members gather at the Guachochi community center for the food drive

 The Tarahumara are world famous for long- distance running. Now, Lorena Ramírez is bringing global attention to her community.

A version of this story appeared in the fall 2019 issue of Uncommon Path
Ramírez, 24, is Tarahumara, a group of Indigenous people from the deep canyons and rough mountains of Chihuahua, Mexico, known for their long-distance running talents. Traditionally, they have used running as transportation and communication between distant settlements. Decades ago, physiological tests found that when the Tarahumara run long distances, their blood pressure actually falls and their heart rate remains at a steady 130 beats per minute—all while motoring for mile after 8-minute mile. They call themselves Rarámuri, which some ethnographers translate as “those who run fast” and others as “the lightning- footed people.” In the past, they practiced persistence hunting, which means they ran game to death.
Over the years, Tarahumara runners have splashed across the ultra scene. In 1993, they emerged from Copper Canyon to dominate Colorado’s high-altitude Leadville Trail 100, becoming stronger as the race progressed. (“They seemed to move with the ground,” one observer told The New York Times. “Kind of like a cloud or a fog moving across the mountains.”) In 2006, Arnulfo Quimare defeated Scott Jurek in the Copper Canyon ultra in Tarahumara country. But Tarahumara runners haven’t typically taken on traditional sponsors or coaching. And none have yet become elite marathoners, perhaps because 26.2 miles is too short.
Eddie Sandoval holds the Pinole Blue Orignal Pinole and sits next to Lorena Ramírez who holds a Pinole Blue Sticker in her hand.

Ramírez grew up in a poor family of nine children and built her endurance crisscrossing through her home landscape, a network of gorges deeper and larger than the Grand Canyon. She is extremely shy. Her brother, Mario—who has also competed in organized ultras and often translates for her—describes her as “strong, admirable, kind, serious and direct.” For her, running is utilitarian, joyful and interwoven into subsistence and celebration, working and playing.
But that doesn’t mean she isn’t competitive. In April 2017, Ramírez won the Ultra Trail Cerro Rojo 50K in Puebla, Mexico. Not long after, she became the first Tarahumara woman to compete in a European ultra—with her inaugural attempt at the Bluetrail, the second-highest race in Europe. She’d never traveled outside Mexico, nor seen the ocean. Just over halfway through, and short of the summit of Mount Teide, the tallest peak in Spain, her knees hurt too much to  continue. She had to drop out.
Come 2018 she was back, her skirt swishing as she calmly swallowed up vertical, the rubber-tire soles of her sandals floating over the rocks. She placed third in the senior category (18 to 39 years old) and fifth for all women, running 63 miles in 20:11:37.
A month later, she was the second woman to cross the line in the 100K Ultra Maratón de los Cañones in her home state.